
Unit 5 Theme Parks Period 2 Warming-up &reading






  • Teaching goals

    1.Knowledge:Understand the whole text and learn about theme parks.

    2.Ability:Train students’ reading ability.

    3.Emotion:Stimulate students’ interest in theme parks. 



  • 本单元的话题,主题公园,贴近学生的生活,学生容易参与,可以很好地训练口语。



  • Teaching important points

    The understanding and comprehension of the passage.

    Teaching difficult points

    1. How to get to master the useful words and expressions.

    2. How to improve说明: 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! students’ ability to read.

    Teaching methods

    Brain storming; Skimming; Scanning; Discussion; Group Work.

    Teaching aids







  • Teaching goals

    1.Knowledge:Understand the whole text and learn about theme parks.

    2.Ability:Train students’ reading ability.

    3.Emotion:Stimulate students’ interest in theme parks. 



  • Teaching important points

    The understanding and comprehension of the passage.



  • Teaching difficult points

    1. How to get to master the useful words and expressions.

    2. How to improve说明: 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! students’ ability to read.

    Teaching methods

    Brain storming; Skimming; Scanning; Discussion; Group Work.





Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up

  1. Have you ever been to some parks?

If you have, which kind of park do you like and why do you go there?

Amuse ourselves, escape our busy lives for a while. For example, sit chatting, play chess, play games, listen to birds’ sing and so on.

  1. Look at the following pictures about some world parks. Do you know their names?

Yellowstone National Park in USA ;Hyde Park in London; Summer Palace 

Hong Kong Ocean Park ;Su Zhou Classical Gardens

  1. Discussion

Which one of parks above mentioned would you like to visit most if you are given a chance? Give your reasons.

What is a park? What is a park for?

Do you know the differences between a park and a theme park?

What is a theme park?

It is a kind of amusement park which has a certain theme – that the whole park is based on.

  1. Look at the pictures below. Try to match the names of the parks with the pictures. Can you guess which are parks and which are theme parks?

Parks: Beihai Park, Central Park

Theme parks: Camelot Park,  World Waterpark,  Disneyland,  Dollywood

Step 2. Pre-reading

  1. What do you think you can see in a theme park?     

Buildings, castles, statues, rare animals and birds, and so on.

What are the three purposes of the theme parks? Give examples.

to entertain; to educate;  to make profits

The oldest and the most popular theme park in the world is ____________.(Disneyland)

In the Disneyland, people can not only enjoy the exciting activities there, but also get close to the life-size cartoon characters like the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, which appear in some of Walt Disney’s famous cartoon films.

  1. There are many kinds of theme parks in China. Would you name some theme parks you know?

China Folk Culture Village; Shenzhen Splendid China; Happy Valley; South China Botanical

Step 3. Skimming

Skimming to get the general idea

Reading Comprehension I

  1. What is the meaning of the title  “Theme Parks - Fun and More Than Fun? 

The title means that theme parks are fun to visit, but that they can also be educational and can offer useful information.

  1. Three theme parks are mentioned in the passage, what are they?

Disneyland; Camelot Park; Dollywood

  1. Fill in the blanks.

Para. 1 There are various kinds of _____________. ( theme parks)

Para. 2 If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to ___________.  ( Disneyland)

Para. 3 Come to ___________to have fun learning all about America’s _________ southeastern culture.   (Dollywood; historical)

Para. 4 To enter a world of _______ about ancient England, come to ______________.

      ( fantasy; Camelot Park)

Scanning to get detail information

Reading Comprehension II

True or false

  1. Disneyland can be found everywhere.    ( F )
  2. You can meet any cartoon character you like at Disneyland.   ( F )
  3. Tourism develops where a Disneyland is built.   ( T )
  4. Dollywood is in the mountains in the southeastern USA.  ( T )
  5. Country music singers perform in Dollywood throughout the whole year.   ( T )
  6. Dollywood has the only electric train still working in the USA.  ( F )
  7. Visitors to Camelot Park can taste candy like the candy made in ancient England.  ( F )
  8. Camelot Park has the oldest roller coaster in the world.    ( F )
  9. Camelot Park has an ancient English farm.  ( T )
  10. Camelot Park has places for visitors to watch and maybe take part in sword fighting. ( T )

Reading Comprehension III

  1. Complete the table below.

Step 4. Post Reading

Retell the text by filling in the blanks.

Parks provide people _____ a place to ______ themselves and to ______ their busy life for a while. In recent decades, however, many parks have been ________ to provide _____________. We call them ______ parks. Theme parks have a certain idea--- a ______ theme---that the whole park is ______ on. For example, _________is the oldest theme park in the world. It seemed like a place of ________. Dollywood is a one of the most _______theme parks in the world. You can have ____ learning all about American’s _________ southeastern culture. If you want to __________ a world of fantasy about _______ England, come to Camelot


 (with; amuse; escape; designed; entertainment; theme; certain; based; Disneyland; fantasy; unique; fun; historical; experience; ancient)


  1. Surf the Internet to find more about the theme parks mentioned in our text.

2. If you were given a chance to make a journey, what kinds of theme parks would you like to go? Write a short paragraph to describe it.



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